Tag Archives: Bigotry

Why The Confrontation at the Wood River (Il) Walmart is Yet Another Example of the Grind of Being a Black Male in America

It would be both disingenuous and dishonest to state that young African-American males enter this world on the same footing as their counterparts of any other racial or ethnic group. According to many medical studies, African-American children are born with natural abilities such as being able to hold up their heads, sitting up, and focusing on objects that others are incapable of achieving. So, Black males enter this world further developed than all of their male counterparts.

I do not need to tell you that other studies monitoring the development of Black males throughout their lifetimes reveal that they are by-passed by their male counterparts in every way imaginable. In many ways it is startling that a populace that entered this world at the forefront of development ends last in the race of life. The most reasonable question that one could ask about this matter is a singular-word of “Why?”

Although the above question is brief, an accurate answer require volumes. No one should doubt that so much happens to Black males during their lifetimes.

This understanding of the maddening twists-and-turns that occur in the lives of African-American males informs my bemused look regarding an incident at a Walmart in Wood River (Il.). Apparently a White police officer was filmed harassing two Black males, Jermon Best and Diangelo Jackson, for entering the shopping establishment while wearing protective masks.

Much of the haranguing has occurred regarding two points: (a) if the wearing of protective masks were against Walmart’s policy as the officer cited, it actually isn’t, and (b) if this were an occurrence of racial profiling. I refuse to equivocate on such silly matters and will dedicate this space to an ancillary issue that I term the grind of being a Black male in America.

Although rarely commented on, Black male lives vacillate between a frustrating cycle of “micro-aggressions” and major incidents of racial bigotry and institutionalized racism. Racial matters hover over Black males like unpredictable clouds who seem to block the Sun’s radiant light according to their own whimsical nature. Every Black male understands that neither a formidable socioeconomic status or professional accomplishments protect them from the unpredictable winds of racial bigotry and the torrential storms of institutionalized racism. The incident at the Wood River Walmart testifies to such.

Let’s be clear regarding what occurred. The unnamed officer made the decision to harass Best and Jackson based solely on their physical appearance. History proves that the most assured activating agent to White prejudice and bigotry is the presence of Black males. We cannot forget that the seeds of racial bigotry occurs via an American socialization process distributed via school curriculum, television, movies, life experiences, and kitchen tables.

Not even my most fervent desire to escape this damning truth has paved a path for me to consider the police officer at the center of this storm as an outlier. Unfortunately, he is a fairly typical representative of this nation’s most plentiful creation. At their best, Americans leave the impression that there is little hope that the ill-fitting concept of racism will ever reduce beyond gentlemanly political correctness. Despite what most would like to think, the absence of blatant uncouth racial bigotry is not the same as the presence of racial equality and/or justice for the darker brother/sister.

The revelation that the absence of blatant uncouth racial bigotry spewed into the public sphere by our countrymen does not signal the presence of racial equality and/or justice would be a great starting point for a riveting discussion regarding what is wrong with young Black males. Yet, this is a difficult discussion for the entire nation as it would invariably place much of the responsibility for the plight of Black males at the feet of each of us. One thing is for certain, the collective ignoring of this matter will not lessen its impact on Black males and the nation. It will simply grow worse as time goes along like an unchecked virus. And as we all know, an unchecked virus is a very dangerous thing.

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture 2020.

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  • Foolish” Floyd: The Life & Times of an African-American Contrarian.
  • Creating Revolution as They Advance: A Narrative History of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense

An Unnecessary and Burdensome Load: Why Black America Must Shed Any Shame Associated With Slavery

During a recent event celebrating the work of a fantastic collective of African-American artists addressing ‘Afro-Futurism,’ I listened intently during the Q & A session that followed. All that I can say is “out of the mouths of babes” because the most poignant inquiry raised came from one of the youngest in the audience.

The poised middle-school-aged African-American female was undoubtedly wise beyond her age, an “old soul,” so to speak. This child shared a heart-wrenching account of how uncomfortable she becomes when the issue of slavery arises in any of her classes. This impressive young sister shared the following.

When we talk about slavery, all of the white kids turn in their seats and stare at me. It is uncomfortable. I wish that my teachers would not talk about it at all, mainly because I am the only Black person in the class.

Unbeknownst to this young lady, the vast majority of African-Americans, regardless of age, educational attainments, and socioeconomic status, experience the “shame” when the topic of chattel slavery arises. It would not be a stretch to argue that the subject matter haunts them like an unwanted haunting. I will never understand why the descendants of those victimized by American chattel slavery choose to carry negative connotations regarding the African Holocaust on their sturdy shoulders.

The burden is not theirs.

If anyone should shudder at the mention of America’s original sin, it is those who have Anglo-Saxon blood flowing through their veins. They are not difficult to find as they proudly lay claim to this eternal transgression by claiming sole ownership of this nation. Unbeknownst to them, their claim carries a foreboding history that should guarantee one’s place in the hottest portion of Hell. Rest assured that this thought is not new, as evidenced by the words of an American Patriot who advised his countrymen of the desperate need to shed the sin of slavery in the following manner.

If God is just, and I believe that he is, we will burn in Hell for this shit.

White Anglo-Saxon Protestants claim to this nation identify them as the descendants of a people who perpetrated untold horrific deeds during this nation’s darkest period. As if that were not enough, the same boasting and bragging convicts their kind as the perpetrators of multiple Holocausts on the North American continent. If only we could get others (Polish, Japanese, Italians, Ghanaians, Brazilians, Nigerians and a host of others) to join in the process of laying such atrocities at the feet of White Angl0-Saxon Protestants, racial matters would become less convoluted in this nation. 

When one thinks about this issue, it becomes evident that the “original settlers” of the North American continent (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) have been able to shed what should be inescapable blame and responsibility for the deeds of their ancestors.

If nothing else, I have to tip my hat to the ingenious ways that White Anglo-Saxon Protestants have been able to convince persons of African descent that their ancestors were responsible for their victimization during the world’s greatest Holocaust. Similarly, “Whites” whose ancestors did not arrive in this land until well after the deplorable institution was established and operating have been duped into believing that a portion of their admittance to whiteness is paid in their joining the White choral whose favorite tunes are the denouncement of racial justice and resistance to reparations.

Arguably, this is the longest-running con on the North American continent. The most crucial element in its achievement is the astounding lack of historical knowledge that engulfs the vast majority of Americans. When viewed from a detached view, it is obvious that the greatest tie binding Americans together is the shocking level of historical illiteracy that governs their belief systems and worldviews.

Anyone who has studied the discipline of History in depth can tell you that the most powerful element in shaping the worldview and beliefs of people is “the narrative.” The narrative is merely the arrangement of facts to generate sympathy and support for one’s version of History. Experience has taught me that Black America, despite their oral traditions, have yet to learn that they must seize their historical record, just as persons of Jewish descent have, and wield it as an Excalibur against less than favorable “narratives” of History. I guarantee you that until that occurs, African-Americans will continue to carry the shame of slavery on their shoulders, there may be no greater manifestation of this unfortunate reality than the nervousness and insecurities that overtake Black children at the mention of slavery.

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture 2019