I find that describing myself, Dr. James Thomas Jones III, is a particularly daunting task as it forces me to invite others into my personal intellectual space. Even the thought of approaching this task is particularly daunting. What is the best method of describing oneself? Does it call for one to create a list of who I perceive myself to be? If that were the method, I would simply state that I am the following: Father, Christian, Son, Brother, African-American, Male, African-American male, Educator, Intellectual, Revolutionary Nationalist, Social democrat, foodie, Writer, Thinker, Lover of Hip-Hop Culture, Critic of Rap Music/Images, International Traveler, Professor, and the youngest child of Kathryn V. Jones and James Thomas Jones II. Although the above list describes the various stations in life that I occupy, simultaneously I must add, it still fails to sum up the entire being.

So, I guess I should state that I am a politically minded African-American male whose independence allows him to march to the beat of his own drum, even if that rhythm facilitates his walking in a different direction from others, regardless of the commonalities — race, gender, class, political affiliation, etc. — I may share with others. It is this independence in thought that has often led to my ostracism from those that are theoretically most likely to embrace my positions on the catalyst behind African-Americans current condition and the necessary steps to eradicating persisting politico economic inequities. The primary catalyst behind this venture flows from an insatiable desire to address many of the issues facing the African-American community and those populations, regardless of race, being disproportionately impacted by Black Popular Culture; an experience that not only misinforms the alluded to individuals about African-Americans and greatly contributes to their denigration and vilification in the minds of humans around the globe.

I am a graduate of THE Ohio State University with degrees in African-American Studies and History; most are shocked to learn that I earned five degrees during my collegiate career. It is that academic background that serves as the backdrop to the many lessons I have learned during this interesting travel called life. I hope that you find some form of utility in this blog.

30 thoughts on “CREATOR”

    1. Welcome to Manhood, Race, and Culture. I do my best to ALWAYS “speak truth to power” even when I am somewhat alone in my stance. I hope that you will be an active participant on the site and enjoy the writings.

      I really do appreciate you for taking the time to leave this message.



  1. Have you seen the movie Get Out if so do you believe it’s a message being told in the movie or it was a strategy to appeal to a audience for ticket sales,because the producers is married to a white women.Do you believe it’s a modern day Spke Lee Joint School Daze or a marketing strategy?

  2. 8:00-9:20 T/TR
    1. Do you think Donald Trump being elected will ruin the U.S. economy or help it?
    2. Do you think that with Trump as the president the problem of racism in America will become even worse?
    And why do you think these things?

  3. 11:00am – 11:50am MWF

    1.) Do you think President-Elect Trump is really fitted to serve in the oval office for the next 4 years?

    2.) How will Trump’s 4 year presidency effect the economy as a whole?

  4. What was Turners plan after his rebellion if he would’ve have killed all the white men he needed to kill where do you believe was the next step did he honestly believe he was going to get far after this. 11-1150 mwf – Chris Chappell

  5. Dominique Sweed MWF 11:00-11:59 History 1313
    Do you think we will ever be equal or one united nation before the world comes to a end?

    Do you ever think we will ever be forced back into slavery at this day and time?

  6. MWF 11:00-11:50

    1) Why were the western territories so politically important to both the North and the South?

    2) How would you explain the striking contradictions of early America? Slavery within a society that celebrates freedom?

  7. MWF 11:00 – 11:50

    1) With today’s social issues and the election of Trump (the hate it is causing), do you think society is slowly shifting back to how things were back in the day? To the days where racism in the community was a common thing?

    2) We have covered the fact that some white people were against slavery, but did not believe they were equal to the black men. Do you believe that abolitionists would’ve had it easier if those white men against slavery also believed in the equality of men?

  8. MWF 11-11:50

    1. When discussing David Walker’s Appeal, how did he deliver his appeal to “The Colored Citizens of the World” and why wasn’t it stopped from spreading by any white people?

    2. During the time of enslaved Africans beginning to take matters into their own hands, there were several rebellions. Prosser’s Revolt was just the start of it all, but why is it that slaves would tell their owners of the plans? Was it out of fear or the lack of confidence that it couldn’t work?

  9. Curtis Turner MWF 11:00-11:59 History 1313
    1. How different has the white people treated us now than in the past?
    2. How much do you blame on the government for their involvement with the black society and how they handle our inner-city black communities?

  10. 1) Would you consider today’s society regarding racial profiling any different than what it was back in the day?

    2) Do you feel that non-violent protest are actually making a difference in society when it comes to Black Lives Matter?

  11. Question 1:How do you plan to address Black Lives Matter beyond the viewpoint of police brutality and criminal justice? How would you handle the situations ?
    Question 2:What would you change about our justice and consequence system so that people will be held accountable and responsible for their actions but not make them an outcast in society?

  12. Dear Sir

    I have come to appreciate your insightful writings.

    Can we birth a nation, seriously? A nation within a nation! The UNITED STATES OF AFRICA. For African people at home and abroad to unite and thrive within!

    Your thoughts, please.

  13. Dear Brother Jones,

    I am a Kushite-Adam-Noah-Shem-Abram + Ham-Kushite/Black Kush/American. We have much catching up on in that your Erudite-nests pursuits, did not entail the true TORAH/BIBLE account of Ham the Father of all black races back into the loving arms of father Adam and mother Eve?


    Sister Janay Rice must be encouraged, to tell her own story without the yellow-journalism of all news-medias.

    Ambassador Charles Linder Floyd


  14. Thank you Brotha Jones, for making sure that we never forget what this holiday represents. Since Frederick Douglass, along with a handful of others, were the only African Americans I had to look up to during my K-12 education – the only ones that mainstream hegemony allowed to be a part of History as they saw it – I believe that it is extremely important that we read the entire speech, in order to understand where we were….and where we are.

  15. I listened intently to the conversations on the Podcast concerning Thugs and thug University. The experience, I must admit, was exhilarating on the one hand but somewhat angering and disappointing on the other. Now with all of that said, it led me to look you up and to see what more is being said/done to alleviate the misery and strife that exists in our neighborhoods. (I have long argued that there is no black COMMUNITY because most of the elements required to BE a community are missing.) Anyhow, I find that though I tend to walk this walk from a different socio-political path, we may very well be going in the same direction. Could it be that that distant drumbeat I hear off in the distance is your different drummer? Keep up the good work and I applaud your efforts to shine the light of truth on a dismally lit world.

    1. Bro. Warren,

      Thank you so much for your comments regarding this subject. I would love to hear more in depth what it is that you liked, and disliked, about the commentary. I sincerely appreciate you looking me up and not taking a myopic perspective that would not allow us to have civility in the midst of slight discord; I hope the drum that you are hearing is my drummer. However, I would never expect you to walk my path, as long as we are heading toward the same destination, making this world a better place, I will be more than satisfied. Love to hear more from you on this and other matters.

      Dr. James Thomas Jones III

      1. Doc, If I may be so bold as to refer to you in such a familial way, our slight ‘discord’ derives from how you describe yourself: “Social democrat”. Now were I trying to be critical in my approach, and not by any sense, pejorative, the word democrat is not capitalized, meaning you prefer arriving at decisions from a more egalitarian ‘process’ as opposed to…I think you catch my drift. In any event, no matter what the affiliation, if we can sit and discuss matters, I would wager there would be more that unites us than divides us. Far too often, identification of political association serves to divide us right from the start, as it is designed to do. I loathe that about the process, especially when there is so much at stake.

        About the commentary. I so enjoyed the article that you read. I found myself nodding in agreement on almost every thought. Your knowledge of “thug culture” and the lives of the early participants in the genre of rap was enlightening and dare I say educational. But that was the pretext for the discussion that ensued, laying the foundation of credibility for everything else you went on to say. It was obvious that a lot of thought and even soul searching went into the process of arriving where you are, especially when you mentioned the young men and women that arrive in your classroom.

        What I found particularly dissatisfying was the approach that your fellow participants took when addressing the questions. To resort to name calling and being dismissive of a questioner because they disagree with the premise of the question was highly indicative of either a lack of capacity to engage with a premise with which they disagree or a retrenchment into their lofty perch so as not to bothered with someone who is not worthy of a serious answer. Had this happened once, I would have understood. But it happened no less than three times in the short span of time allowed for audience participation. It made it seem as though there was no need for discussing anything that did not heap praise on their vaunted positions.

        May I also say that a more thoroughgoing introduction of the participants at the start would have served the process well.

        There is scarcely enough space to contain all that I would love to say in the way of critiquing the session but I think I have probably said too much already.

        If I may say yet one more thing about what stuck with me was the way you were able to disagree with your fellow panelist and preserve the dignity of those with whom you disagreed. Case in point was the sister who objected to seeing black men bussing tables or taking out trash or sweeping floors. Your parry and deflection and correction of the thought so as to enlighten them and many of us was a display of skill and wisdom. I too started my work career in these lowly positions–dishwasher and grocery bagger. I learned a great deal from the experience and managed to work my way up from the meager wages into a respectable income–in three short months.

        What I would like to pursue is a discussion on something that got only cursory mention throughout the time on air and that is how to change the mindset of these young self-identified thugs into legitimate entrepreneurs, using, as you suggested, this bold new world of technology.

        As the time stamp will indicate, it is rather late and I could not sleep with these thoughts rattling around so I had to get them out.

        Blessings to you and all that will be affected by the work we do going forward.


        1. Brother Warren,

          I just came across your comments, as a new blogger I am still learning my way around this stuff. LOL Listen if you would like to discuss those issues on the show, just drop the brother a line. I can give you his contact information if you so desire. He is a brother that is trying very hard to keep his “thing” going and I am certain that he would be receptive to the suggestion. Now in regards to the other things that you wrote, I am certain that we have much more in common than not, I have learned from Brother Malcolm to focus upon the commonalities and not get bogged down in the minutiae. As always, thank you for the support and I am available to help you or talk with you at any time. PEACE

    1. Hello Hannah,

      Thank you so much sister. The Blog is fairly new and I would greatly appreciate you sharing it with those who are seeking ‘intellectual stimulation’; I love that statement. Thank you for the encouragement, believe me I need it.

      Dr. James Thomas Jones III

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Committed to investigating, examining, and representing the African-American male, men, and manhood by offering commentary regarding the status of Black Men and Black Manhood as it relates to African-American Manhood, Race, Class, Politics, and Culture from an educated and authentic African-American perspective aimed at improving the plight of African-American men and African-American Manhood in regards to Politics, Culture, Education, and Social Matters.