The Rise & Fall of Jim Crow (Promises Betrayed)

66 thoughts on “The Rise & Fall of Jim Crow (Promises Betrayed)”

  1. I’m glad they had people to fight for us back then and risk their lives to make ours better. Without them we still be slaves; beaten tortured and forced. Now we are free however we are still fighting for our rights and against police brutality.

  2. It’s sad to say that this video looks no different than what we see or hear about during today’s time. It’s crazy because after soooo many years your would think that it’ll be some type of change.

  3. Jim Crow Laws has helped shaped many of the discriminatory actions and issues Black across America experience currently. Being segregated due to the color of a person skin is such a small divider. A lot of these “laws” have created a bias economical, socially, and politically. Many believe some of the issue among the black race is because we are unreliable but it is really we are the only oppressed group that have not received anything for our suffering in America.

  4. Jim Crow laws were any of the laws that enforced racial segregation in the American South between the end of Reconstruction in 1877 and the beginning of the civil rights movement in the 1950s.

  5. I feel like Jim Crow never went away it just has been disguised as systemic racism and the current events of today has proved this.

  6. Really shows how bad Jim crow was and how the effects of Jim crow can still be felt today. Things like this are skipped over in high school history class talked about very briefly. Makes you think when trump says “Make America Great Again” what is he really talking about? What time in American history was America great for all its people not just white people. When white communities were allowed and supported by the government to prosper black communities were sought out and dismantled systematically and made to fail at every step.

    1. After watching the Jim Crow video, it is very clear that there has not been much change in the level of respect that is shown towards black people. Why disrespect the people that do so much for you? That built this country from the ground up. They claim that the salves can be free, but there are so many stipulations and harsh rules against blacks. The rules set in place were to only hurt any progression we could have made.

      1. Certain laws like the black code set us African Americans back so the racist could get ahead many years. These individuals made it to where they were in higher positions to deny us of any rights and to give us harsh punishments when going through trails. Some of the same stuff is happening in today’s world as we can see.

  7. During the Jim Crow era, education was an important component of the aspirations of African Americans. Many prominent African American leaders were nationally recognized educators, and their theories of education often mirrored their strategies in dealing with Jim Crow. In addition, many of the key battles in the struggle to overturn Jim Crow centered on equal access to education. This lesson plan considers the role education played in the struggle against Jim Crow

  8. Black people thinking wisely about their future and that of their children after all the frustration of limited or no education at all. Identifying the importance of education for their future generations was key and they showed perseverance by making that happen. Starting the industrial school from nothing shows once again how black people have always had to work double in order to get the same things…

  9. During the Jim Crow era, education was an important component of the aspirations of African Americans. Many prominent African American leaders were nationally recognized educators, and their theories of education often mirrored their strategies in dealing with Jim Crow. In addition, many of the key battles in the struggle to overturn Jim Crow centered on equal access to education. This lesson plan considers the role education played in the struggle against Jim Crow

  10. Jim crow has influenced the way the world views not only African Americans but every person of color, the law of jim crow is and was unruly and will be thrown in the face of minorities ever chance it is given. African Americans have always been seen as less valuable than whites and unqualified to reach the same social status as the fellow white man. As people of color we automatically have to work twice as hard to be prove worthy of anything which is not right.

  11. This video is very sad and hard to watch. It shows your how long racism has been going on, and it’s really sad that too this day we are still dealing with the same issue. Over all these years nothing has gotten better, a change needs to be made. The Jim Crow law shoes that slaves weren’t really free from slavery and sheds a light on how badly our ancestors were treated And tortured. It’s sad that to this day we are still getting mistreated and tortured by police officers.

  12. America is built off a system: a system that is not on the side of minorities or justice. The Jim Crow era highlighted the drama, pain and suffering African Americans began to face for years after that. In today’s world we are still segregated, discriminated and abused; I believe my generation can and will make a global impact on policing and racism to come to an end altogether.

  13. It’s unbelievable the way history repeats itself. Jim crow has influenced the way the world views not only African Americans but every person of color, the law of jim crow is and was unruly and will be thrown in the face of minorities ever chance it is given. African Americans have always been seen as less valuable than whites and unqualified to reach the same social status as the fellow white man. As people of color we automatically have to work twice as hard to be prove worthy of anything which is not right. This video opens eyes to realize that there is so much more history that needs to be uncovered and talked about.

  14. The jim crow laws were ruthless to the black community. It’s sad to say it’s still going on in today’s society, and it goes completely unnoticed. African Americans have been going through these pits for far too long. Just as white slave owners used to beat slaves, those same traits are carrying over to our current law enforcement.

  15. This video makes you realize how long racism has been going on and it makes you question why does white people feel as if they are superior to us. Back in the day, it was the slave owners and the KKK abusing us but now it’s the police officers who are supposed to serve and protect us. We must continue the fight that our ancestors started until we are truly equal.

  16. It’s disheartening to say that the struggle African Americans face wayback when are still apparent in today’s society. The Jim Crow laws were meant to oppress and keep the African-Americans from progressing in the world and becoming a success. There are plenty of Jim Crowe laws still today hidden in plain sight, many of us turn a blind eye to them though because it’s something we’ve all become a custom to

  17. This video does an amazing job at effectively portraying the detrimental effect that the “Jim Crow Laws” had and continues to have on the black community. It was truly a horrific and disgusting era; from the mockery to plain out not seeing and treating us as human beings simply because of the color of our skin. It is heartbreaking that in 2020 we still have to fight for these racial discrimination and injustices to end.

  18. Watching this video is heartbreaking. As a Latina who comes from immigrant parents, it’s really sad to hear how poorly these people were being treated just because of their skin color. Even now, it’s sad to see how human beings can be so racist towards the black community.

  19. In the conversation of Jim Crow Laws, it turns into a very disheartening acknowledgment of how Blacks across America were not really free once liberated from subjugation. They needed to adjusted to conditions loaded up with persecution in light of the fact that the inclination of their skin. Utilizing the Jim Crow Laws many utilized Blacks impediment of legislative and practical capacity to make partiality dependent on their principles. Some partner Blacks with ineptitude and reliance however when you dissect the distinctive limitation Blacks were offered because of isolation you comprehend the trouble of arriving at the standard numerous whites were acclimated. Dark kids were not permitted to go to a similar school as white youngsters and in those organizations Blacks went to they got devastated and obsolete material creation hard to get equivalent degrees of training. Additionally many Black weren’t given equivalent chances to be monetarily steady because of the absence of pay and the exhausting work numerous blacks needed to suffer and still couldn’t stand to deal with themselves not to mention a family. Notwithstanding, there are still Jim Crow Laws in the underlines of numerous perspectives in the present culture.

  20. As a black man in America that has encountered and dealt with racism first hand on many occasions I always wondered how did it get like this? How did white people grow such a strong hate for us simply because of how we look?
    This video gave me a better insight on what my ancestors had to endure and it made me put myself in their shoes. They beat us, raped our wives, sold us away from our families and mocked us. Have they no shame? In the year 2020 history seems to be repeating itself but unlike my ancestors I will not be as submissive.

  21. This video is very heartbreaking to know that this was really reality back then but it also does a great job of explaining what stemmed Jim Crow Laws. Its unfortunate that one race can make a mockery of another persons skill color all in the name of entertainment. However one things I love about our commmunity is we are strong and we will never stop fighting for our voice, and our right to live.

  22. In the discussion of Jim Crow Laws, it becomes a very saddening realization of how Blacks across America were not truly free once freed from slavery. They had to adapted to environments filled with oppression just because the bias of their skin. Using the Jim Crow Laws many used Blacks disadvantage of governmental and economical power to create prejudice based on their rules. Some associate Blacks with stupidity and dependency but when you analyze the different restriction Blacks were given due to segregation you understand the difficulty of reaching the standard many whites were accustomed. Black children were not allowed to attend the same school as white children and in those institutions Blacks attended they received destroyed and outdated material making difficult to receive equal levels of education. Also many Black weren’t given equal opportunities to be economically stable due to the lack of pay and the strenuous labor many blacks had to endure and still could not afford to take care of themselves let alone a family. However, there are still Jim Crow Laws in the underlines of many aspects in today’s culture. Blacks are still not treated equal because the promises were never filled once African Americans were first freed from slavery.

  23. I feel like the jim crow laws wasn’t right and harsh. It is wrong still this day how they treat colored people. Its crazy that they want to just control another race because of the color of the skin. I think that its unfair and not equal at all. It leaves a question in your head of why ?

  24. The jim crow made me very uncomfortable. It showed me how unfair this workd truly is and that stuff will never be right. This video showed me that no matter how hard colored folks work eveehthing will still be a race thing and its sad.

  25. It’s very heartbreaking and disgusting to see that after working so hard to finally create value to ones self, that slave owners and the white population created a clan to terrorize and kill black people whom only wanted peace and freedom.

  26. It’s crazy how things from our ancestors time is still being seen today in 2020. The fact that we still can not be treated fairly by those in the position of power because, they abuse it to create laws and loopholes to be against us blacks. Just because slavery ended did not mean the end to the pain and suffering. To this day black people are still getting lynched with no repercussions to these murders. The KKK is no longer hiding behind masks but instead behind badges that are supposed to be for those who “serve and protect” and/or positions in our government. We need to not only educate ourselves on our true black history (because in K-12 our history is distorted and “white-washed”) but we need to actually learn from our ancestors in how they stood up for them selves and came back to get their basic human rights, their God given rights. We can not be played out like here in the video with Booker T Washington who showed that he sided with our oppressors with his statements. Today the Booker T’s are our friends and family who are silent during these times or have chosen to take a standpoint of neutrality. We need to take heed from these lessons of our past and push towards a stronger future.

  27. As I watched this video I recalled the tales of my grandmother of the days of Jim Crow. She said that she remembers when they integrated schools and how sacred she was to go to school with white people and how evil they were to her. This video made me realize that most of the people white and black that were around during this time are still alive. Some of the Wicked racists whites that tortured and lynched my people are still walking around, most in positions of power still spewing racism and hate into our system. The only way to dismantle a system is from within. We have to infiltrate the system. We have to obtain these positions of power, elect officials that will meet our demands, and hold our local state governments accountable. We the black youth in particular need to VOTE.

  28. Racism is such a derogatory topic. It’s just something that will never end and will always continue through generations. The Jim Crown era is one of the most horrific era’s for African American men, women, and if even children. It makes me uncomfortable to know that this how our community is being treated all based upon the color of our skin. We we were all created the same we just have different skin colors and come from different backgrounds. That doesn’t mean we should be treated any less than the next person or a white person

    1. During the Jim Crow era, education was an important component of the aspirations of African Americans. Many prominent African American leaders were nationally recognized educators, and their theories of education often mirrored their strategies in dealing with Jim Crow. In addition, many of the key battles in the struggle to overturn Jim Crow centered on equal access to education. This lesson plan considers the role education played in the struggle against Jim Crow

  29. It’s mind blowing learning about all of the hate and oppression black people have truly faced. Despite the fact that our modern times are supposed to be considered more progressive and accepting, while racism isn’t as blatantly stated in our laws it’s still deeply embedded in our social, educational and justice systems country wide. Knowing how hard and how much black people have fought and still continue to fight everyday for basic freedoms that should be granted to every individual always makes me really proud. We’ve come a long way but still have a ways to go.

  30. It’s very alarming to think a group of people can be so hateful to individuals just based of them looking different than others. It’s almost as if it’s in their dna somehow because it’s been going on for hundreds of years and is still going on. I don’t feel like racism will ever end because ignorance can never end.

  31. This Jim Crow era had made Me feel very uncomfortable also a little bit upset knowing in the past that’s how blacks were brought up on but now looking back they just set the mile stone for us today to be great and I feel like also if it was up to my generation now we wouldn’t have been strong as they were in the past not only because they was willing to work together but also because they had faith – Maurice bettis

  32. I always think about the “why” in regard to racism. Why does one have so much hate against another person because of their skin color? Is the motive greed and/or power? How can someone be happy with stripping away the basic needs? It’s sad to see, although there has been progress, in 2020 people still have the same hate. The Jim Crow era ended physically but the actions of the Whites are still there.

  33. This video really made me realize how racism has always been a problem for many years. It also made me realize we did nothing to these people for them to treat us so different. I truly believe racism will never end which is sad to say. Our people just have to keep standing up for ourselves and put on a fight daily. During the Jim Crow Era racism was bad and i feel still to this day it is just the same.

  34. The idea of racism seems to be embedded with the idea of separation and hatred for something that is not known or understood. It seems like back in the day The average white person did not have many encounters with black people, this might due to the many gaps in economic standing, education, and Segregated communities. Jim crows attempt to Create a negative image of blacks for the white community fueled the flame of hatred for a being that they considered lesser to them.

    One could say that racist found comfort amongst each other in unity for what they have in common, and disgust for those whom they will never be.

    As well as we know the sun will rise we are all aware that racism still exist today. And through the test of time it seems as if racism might not be going anywhere anytime soon.

    One major difference between our time and the time of the Jim Crowe laws is the occurrence of biracial children and inter-racial marriages. Not to say that it wasn’t happening back then, but because it’s more openly accepted more and more by the next generation it is definitely happening more now than it was then. Now we are seeing a rise in peoples whose cultures are intertwined with that of slaves and slave masters. Now those who have hated others for being so different, are having their blood lines become that which they never related to. And this might not stop an old racist from being racist, but it does Allow a connection for the new generation to experience what it is like to be the oppressor and the oppressed. This relatability of both sides combats a hatred for one another because your Perspectives are now one.

    History has shown us time and time again that violence, war, and hatred are inevitable. Maybe racism is too. And maybe the sharing of cultures for future generations, and taking an active stance against racism could make a significant impact in the overall culture of a society or a nation. But as bleak as it may sound, it seems almost instinctive for human beings to find new ways to hate be violent amongst one another.

  35. I have always found it interesting that people had the raise white children and learned to love them till the day they home all that time for them to still have hatred for them and to say not to love them

  36. In this video, African Americans faced many hardships just to fight for what was right. They fought for their freedom, land, family, and even education. Their education played a big role in this video because even though many of them were uneducated, they wanted better for themselves. They wanted to prove to the white people that when they tried to take everything away from them, they were never going to give up.

  37. In this video, African Americans faced many hardships just to fight for what was right. They fought for their freedom, land, family, and even education. Their education played a big role in this video because even though many of them were uneducated, they still decided that they wanted better for themselves. They wanted to prove to the white people that when they tried to take everything away from them, they were never going to give up.

  38. I think the economic hobbling of the black community was the worst component. when black communities attempted to start business and find work they were hampered at every turn. and had to fight for every dollar they earned. The effects of which can still be felt today.

  39. In my opinion although racism was during the Jim Crow Era it still occurs today. Most of society still view African Americans as a threat. Society still look at African Americans lives as if our lives don’t matter or as if we’re beneath any other race. I believe being African American is a good thing although we’re looked over by every other race.

  40. Racism is still here to this day and i wonder when the majority of the whites OFFICIALLY started to really accepted blacks and not just the law giving reinforcements knowing that things weren’t going to automatically change. Black people were told about things changing, such as abolishing slavery, but things was still not working out in their favor and still was doing things based on survival and kept being put into situations where they were still doing slavery. America did not make the system for black people and that is why we aren’t protected till this day.

  41. The Jim Crow Era was one of the most difficult times for not only African-Americans but all people of color. This specific era was one of the greatest displays of racism, for example, segregation was well and alive in southern states.

  42. While watching this video, I felt proud to be black. Our people suffered so much in America just to be free. In the video you can see them sticking together through it all but, I still do not understand why still today it feels like we are fighting to be equal.

  43. I always think about the “why” when it comes to racism. Why does one have so much anger towards another race as though they were the ones who faced hardships, trials and tribulations? Is the main motive greed? How can one have so much hate to try to strip away someone else’s basic needs? There has been progress since then with segregation but the generational racism & systematic racism are still prevalent.

  44. The Jim Crow Era was one of the most difficult times to be a person of color due to the different forms of discrimination (i.e. segregation) of those people by rich white people in southern states. in today’s time we are still seeing some of the same effects of the Jim Crow Era everyday.

  45. The struggle these people went through in those times were hard , the fact that they kept having fate for a better life and opportunity not only for themselves but for the next generation. No matter how much they were hated on and all the hard work they added in their should they still manage to fight. Racism became something people have so much anger towards to simply by not being the same “color” or having the same roots. We see this today as well , with the President we have in the house racism has became worse in this country. Innocence has been taken and the people that cause those persons death aren’t thanking held responsible.

  46. I feel as though the video was very informative and touched many different important topics that we should know and never forget, As well as teaching the importance of why we as black people should never stop fighting for whats right.

    1. I agree with you Johnasty the video was informative. and i think it expands greatly on what we discussed in class. I enjoyed learning about the Jim Crow era as well. This was an excellent video

  47. The Jim Crow Era was one of the most horrific time periods in my opinion. The acts that took place by white people back then still make it a challenge in today’s time period. I believe that the most damaging part of the Jim Crow Era is when Jim Crow was created and used to paint a bad image about African Americans. I say this because before 1865 it was already a difficult time for African Americans and now, at that time, and not many White people were looking at what African Americans went through and how badly they were treated. This made it a challenge for African Americans because many of them did not know what was coming next now that they were free but with Jim Crow existing it made it harder for them to get along with White people and I believe it is still a challenge today especially with everything that has been shown on the news and things that have no one has seen or spoken about.

  48. Racism has never ended, and most likely will never end. To be black in America means that you have to be aware that your life is viewed to be less valuable to other races, especially caucasians. It’s crazy how we’re hated over our skin color, something we can’t control. We’re seen as a “threat” to society, but in reality being black is a blessing.

    1. Certain laws like the black code set us African Americans back so the racist could get ahead many years. These individuals made it to where they were in higher positions to deny us of any rights and to give us harsh punishments when going through trails. Some of the same stuff is happening in today’s world as we can see.

  49. Tuskegee University was a much needed step in the right direction to help African Americans gain education, develop their own business, and enlighten them of their own potential.

  50. This all makes you wonder how can a group of people treat others so inhumanely , what type of people would do that ? Racism still hasnt fadeed away , people whom think they’re supperior than others discrinate others just because of different racial and religion. How difficult is this to watch? very important story that needs to be told on a higher level.

    1. I agree with your heartfelt sentiments. Unfortunately, this has been the standard interaction between certain segments of White America and Blacks for an extremely long time.

      Do you think that your generation will be able to make a dent in racial animosity in this nation?

  51. The Jim Crow era was one of struggle — not only for the victims of violence, discrimination, and poverty, but by those who worked to challenge (or promote) segregation in the South.

    Zion McCaskle

    1. Your comment is definitely correct. However, I must ask, what do you think was the most damaging part of the Jim Crow Era.

      1. I think the economic hobbling of the black community was the worst componenet. when black communities attempted to start buisness and find work they were hampered at every turn. and had to fight for every dollar they earned. The effects of which can still be felt today.

      2. African Americans has always been seen as a threat. Our lives has always seemed less valuable then any other race. Watching this video made me realize that some stuff still needs to be discussed and never forgotten. We’re hated over something we can’t control which is our skin color. Many people may see being black as a curse when really it’s a blessing. Sometimes I ask myself why is our race seen as a threat when we’ve been physically, mentally, and emotionally abused?. I also wonder what makes any other race better than our race we’re all humans and should be treated as humans.

      3. The jim crow laws was unruly and unjustifiable to people of color skin. I believe that it was just made to try to make sure they got power over everything and its wrong. Its sad because its still going on today and its the biggest issue we have today in the world..

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