6 thoughts on “ETHNIC NOTIONS”

  1. The more videos that I see of how African Americans were treated then its like what we’ve been told is just the tip of the ice berg. The hatred and blatant disrespect they had to live through is so hard for me to understand because I just don’t understand how you can not like someone because of their skin color.

  2. My reaction to this video is “wow”. The images of African Americans that were used are humiliating, hurtful, and very far from accurate. The portrayals of blacks in this video were very inaccurate. It seems as if whites took everything that was serious to blacks, even our features, and made fun of us and imitated us. It also amazes me that most people don’t know the history behind successful, racist companies such as Aunt Jemima.

  3. After watching this I realized that some of these figures that portrayed racial stereotypes are still on well known brands. However; I also realized that I never really questioned the face or names of brands such as Aunt Jemima and how society continues to dismiss these racial stereotypes that continue to take part in well known brands in the 21st century.

    1. I started to question Aunt Jemima when I was younger and my Dad explained everything to me. At such a young age I was confused and frustrated. Ever since then I started to research a lot of famous clothing brands and food companies. You will be very surprised how many companies do not support or like black people, but get most of their profit from us!

  4. Keion Patterson
    Hist- 1301 1001
    everything about the content in this video is a spit to the face of black people everywhere. From black facing to propaganda of how the slaves felt about slavery. in the cartoons, blacks were illustrated as demonic looking characters always smiling and thrilled to give their services to their masters which any enlightened individual know is not true. These images were used to justify slavery to portray the image to civilians that slavery is not so bad. children were depicted as nothing but animals deserving of death and this eventually evolved into the fear of black adults thinking they were violent and dangerous.

    1. It’s definitely a spit on the face. In addition to Keion’s observations, other races mimicked us back then but copy us now. They want more full lips, deeper voices, and curvier body shapes. Also, them trying to convince children that slavery wasn’t that bad is awful. Children should know the truth no matter how hard it is to hear. That is the only way they can try to understand what African Americans experienced.

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Committed to investigating, examining, and representing the African-American male, men, and manhood by offering commentary regarding the status of Black Men and Black Manhood as it relates to African-American Manhood, Race, Class, Politics, and Culture from an educated and authentic African-American perspective aimed at improving the plight of African-American men and African-American Manhood in regards to Politics, Culture, Education, and Social Matters.