Category Archives: POLITICS

Dog Whistles Delivered Via Bullhorns: The Case of Donald J. Trump and White Nationalism

I am sure that not many were surprised at Donald J. Trump’s inability to answer the following question by Presidential debate moderator Chris Wallace in front of an audience of millions around the globe.

Are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups?” asked moderator Chris Wallace during the debate, adding, “And to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities as we saw in Kenosha [Wis.] and as we’ve seen in Portland [Ore.]?

As expected, Donald J. Trump fumbled yet another opportunity to partially redeem his image as an embattled figure. I am sure that there were many undecided voters seeking a reason to support Trump who cringed when he failed to definitively state his opposition to white nationalism.

Maybe, Trump deserves kudos for offering an indecipherable response that translated into unyielding support for white nationalist groups. Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate Kamala Harris was quick to term Trump’s failure to denounce White Nationalism as “a dog whistle through a bullhorn.” In many ways, Trump’s response was akin to an open letter of support for white nationalist groups.

At this moment, no one, regardless of their political leanings, is shocked by Trump’s embrace of white nationalism. What Trump intended as a reminder to white nationalists should serve as a deciding-factor to undecided voters. There may be no more obvious reminder of Trump’s questionable character, priorities, judgment, and worldview.

If I were provided an opportunity to address undecided voters, I would remind them that character is an extremely important factor when leaders are being chosen. It is character that serves as an innate moral compass that equips them to weigh conflicting factors that impede the path to simple decisions.

After last night’s performance, there should be no doubt whatsoever that Donald J. Trump does not have the requisite character to rise to the occasion of leading the free world. I hope that undecided voters shudder at the prospect of such inept leadership and immorality residing in the White House for another term. In all likelihood, this nation will not emerge from such a travesty as the world leader that it has been for decades.

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture, 2020.



Platinum Plan Don: Why Black America Must Reject Donald Trump’s Desperate Pleas for Support

In a long-forgotten moment of brilliance, famed TV problem-solver Dr. Phil McGraw issued the following truism.

The greatest predictor of future behavior is relevant past behavior.

This insightful observation came to the forefront of my mind when I listened to Donald J. Trump’s “Platinum Plan” that has been targeted at Black voters in several key battleground states.

During a recent campaign event sponsored by “Black Voices for Trump”, the embattled political figure and failed businessman issued promises to Black America as if he were handing out candy bars.

According to Trump, if re-elected to the Oval Office, he would deliver the following to an economically struggling Black America.

If you vote Republican over the next four years, we will create 3 million new jobs for the Black community, open 500,000 new black-owned businesses, increase access to capital in Black communities by $500 billion.

As president, I will work to advance racial equity across the American economy and build back better. I promise to fight for Black working families and direct real investments to advance racial equity as part of our nation’s economic recovery.

Trump spoke as if he were addressing lowly enslaved Africans who solely depended on him for their survival. If one closed their eyes, it would not be a stretch to envision Massa Trump placing an extra portion of pork fat in the meal ration. As if his pandering could not be any worse, Trump promised to make Juneteenth a federal holiday while making a passing reference to Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Ahmaud Arbrey.

Let’s be clear on this matter, Trump’s previous behavior during his first-term in the White House has left much too be desired from Black Americans. If we apply Dr. Phil McGraw’s quote that “the greatest predictor of future behavior is relevant past behavior” to Trump’s record, Blacks would have to be the very definition of naïve and politically immature to place any faith in the alluded to Platinum Plan.

Let us be clear on this matter, Trump’s desperate attempt to win the fast-approaching Presidential election will cause him to issue promises that he has no intention of honoring. One needs to look no further than his self-serving pandering to anyone or entity that he perceives capable of bolstering his crumbling foundation.

I pray with every fiber of my being that Black voters are not naïve enough to believe for one second that the boatloads of promises being made by the Trump campaign hold any real promise for the amelioration of their economic poverty and political powerlessness. From my perspective, it is impossible for a single-member of Black America to advance a logical argument in support of Donald J. Trump’s platform, an impossibility that is reinforced by his penchant to pander to White Nationalists on a Monday morning and Black America Monday night.

In many ways, Trump is a political chameleon whose changing colors are dictated by what needs to be presented to maintain power. It does not take much intelligence to sift through his rhetoric and determine that the most important element in Donald J. Trump’s life is not advancing Conservative politics, it is extending his ability to serve as a grifter seeking to steal everything in sight.

For Blacks on both sides of the aisle seeking a path to Black uplift, Donald J. Trump’s past behavior indicates that future decisions will not provide a reasonable path to uplift. Although I would like to say that my community should proceed with caution. The truth of the matter is that they should not proceed at all as Trump’s Platinum Plan is merely another form of fools gold.

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture, 2020.

Why Trump’s Radio Ads Should be Considered Offensive by Black Men: Joe Biden’s Ads Are Not Any Less Offensive Either

Earlier this week, I discussed that Joe Biden’s campaign was making a concerted effort to reach out to the often-ignored Black male voter with two political ads. Undoubtedly, these efforts by the strategist behind Joe Biden’s campaign are being conducted to ensure that the votes of Black men do not slip through the Democratic Party candidate’s hands.

I am sure that the Biden campaign is not overly concerned that Black men will vote for an embattled Donald J. Trump. However, there should be some concern that Black men may very well stay at home and not cast a ballot for either candidate. Hence, Joe Biden’s decision to court Black men with barbershop talk ads is a strategic move designed to encourage them to get out and vote in key battleground states. There is no one who believes that the Trump campaign will convince many Black male voters to vote for the embattled incumbent. Yet, the politically astute realize that he may not need many more than the 8% who cast a ballot for him in 2016 to steal a battleground state from Joe Biden.

As a firm believer in the saying “monkey see monkey do,” I knew it would not be long before the Trump campaign sent some form of communication to Black male voters residing in urban America. I did not have to wait long. The Trump campaign unveiled new radio ads that will run in urban areas such as Detroit, Flint, Raleigh, and Charlotte, North Carolina.

The new ads featuring Herschel Walker and Georgia State Representative Vernon Jones are attempting to convince Black voters that they have nothing to lose by voting for Trump over Joe Biden. It would be wise for Trump to remind Black America that it was Joe Biden who created the 1994 Crime Bill that proved disastrous for many Blacks.

In the Trump ad, Herschel Walker shares the following fond recollections of the polarizing Donald J. Trump.

I’ve known Donald Trump for 37 years. He keeps right on fighting to improve the lives of Black Americans.

Vernon Jones is quick to second the spirit of the famed NFL running backs feelings by adding,

I’m a lifelong Democrat and I’m part of a large and growing segment of the Black community who are independent thinkers and we believe that Donald Trump is the president that America needs to lead us forward.

The above blasé statements by Herschel Walker and Vernon Jones remind me of automobile commercials that advertisers aim at urban Blacks. Ads that tell their target audience nothing about why they should purchase the advertised product. Positioned in the place of pertinent information such as miles per gallon or safety features is blaring music, neon lights, and stylishly dressed actors. Unfortunately for Black America, the alluded to fluff advertising has historically worked on Blacks. And as you well know, in the political world, if a piece of propaganda works, candidates will use the strategy over and over again.

It is time that Black America forced all politicians, not just those seeking the Oval Office, to provide substantive information regarding their platform and timetables for implementation in exchange for their political support. A bland blasé statement by Herschel Walker and Vernon Jones fails to meet that standard; in fairness, I must state that the Biden campaign usually fails to meet that mark as well.

I am certain that the politically astute within our community, regardless of their political leanings, care little that Herschel Walker and Donald J. Trump have been friends for nearly four decades. Friendships and connections to notable Blacks is a ridiculous reason for anyone to cast support for a political leader. Black America must develop its own political agenda to address its particular issues and demand its acceptance and implementation in exchange for our political support. Failure to do so proves that Black voters are still naïve enough to follow political leaders who remain committed to the grand tradition of “talking loud and saying nothing.”

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture, 2020.



“Let’s Get This Right”: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Reach Out To Black Men Regarding the Criminal Justice System

At times it appears that African-American male voters are a forgotten commodity. This invisibility extends to a Democratic Party who have historically been incapable of securing any political victories without the overwhelming support of Black America. In recent times, Black male voters have been rendered invisible by even the Democratic Party. This invisibility is heightened by the rhetoric of political pundits who remind all that Black women are the backbone of the Democratic Party.

Although I do agree that the political support of Black women will be crucial in the fast-approaching presidential election, the Democratic Party is courting danger if they fail to address Black male voters. We must not forget that Black male voters cast 13% of their ballots for Donald J. Trump. Let’s keep in mind that Black males were over three times as likely to vote for Donald J. Trump than their female counterparts. I am sure that you agree that in an election that is as tight and important as this one that it is crucial that Black males get out to vote.

It appears that someone within the Democratic Party has recognized the crucial nature of the Black male vote as it plans to debut two barbershop talk political ads titled “Trust” and “Get This Right” specifically aimed at this population. The overture is much-needed as Black male voters have often been a forgotten element in the political arena. However, as noble as the outreach effort is, it is the message that will be communicated that is more important.

Let’s face facts, the combination of Joe Biden, the creator of the 1994 Crime Bill and Kamala Harris, a former prosecutor has many Black men “feeling some kind of way.” For Black men, the foremost victims of centuries of mass incarceration schemes that began the moment stolen Africans arrived in British mainland colonies to present-day, such a political ticket is less than desirable. Make no mistake about it, Black men are not only aware but also concerned by the Biden/Harris ticket. Many are so unenthused by the Democratic Party ticket that they are planning to forego participation in this year’s election; many have expressed their intentions to support Trump.

It can not be emphasized enough how important it is for Democratic Party leaders to divest from a baseless belief that Black men are (a) unaware of the issues impacting their lives and (b) incapable of withholding support from the Biden/Harris ticket if both candidates do not address prior actions and statements on matters that are of supreme importance to Black men. If provided the opportunity, I would advise the Democratic Party to bring forth substantive offerings as Black men are far too savvy to be mesmerized by mundane political jargon.

The second ad titled “Get This Right” focuses on Joe Biden’s new plan to correct his historic missteps regarding criminal justice. Huge-swaths of Black America has neither forgotten nor forgiven then-Senator, Joe Biden, for his draconian crime bill that in all probability negatively impacted every African-American either directly or indirectly. Now, a repackaged Joe Biden is seeking to court African-American male voters with a platform that revolves around criminal justice reform. Unlike Senator Biden, Presidential hopeful Biden wishes to do away with mandatory minimum sentences as well as reforming the cash bail system and private prisons. Presidential hopeful Biden articulates the following in the “Get This Right” ad.

I believe my criminal reform justice package is as strong, or stronger than anyone else than anyone has proposed.  

Of course, only time will tell if Black men will be moved by the Democratic Party’s outreach effort. Let’s be honest, the repercussions of Joe Biden’s 1994 Crime Bill was an affront that impacted Black men first and foremost as it facilitated their sons, nephews, friends, and associates, if not them directly. For most, the new ads will be received as little more than political posturing aimed at securing their vote. I guess that the Democratic Party’s recognition of the Black male voter is some form of progress as they have historically been ignored during the majority of national-level political races.

This recent recognition is not much in the grand scheme of things, however, with all things considered, it is something.

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture, 2020.