Tag Archives: Black Men

I Guess That We All Get A Turn: The Unfortunate Saga of Dr. Armen Henderson and What It Means About the Relationship of Black Men to White Police Officer’s (We’ve Seen This Many Times Before)

There comes a moment when one has to call “a spade, a spade.” I doubt that it’s possible to find a single African-American man who has a personal story that relates the tenuous nature and unsettled feelings that seem to naturally flow from interaction with law enforcement officers. Every Black man that I know of can inform you of the moment that they came to the realization that the one life that they spent decades developing can be snatched away at a moment’s notice by a rogue law enforcement officer due to no fault of their own.

This unfortunate reality was reiterated yet again by the experience of Dr. Armen Henderson this past week. Dr. Henderson, a medical doctor whose service to the homeless community in Miami, Florida, during the global pandemic was feted by the Miami Herald newspaper has made national news as a result of it being his turn to be in the wrong place, this time it happens to be in front of his house, at the wrong time. Dr. Henderson’s character is best reflected in his taking charge of much of the Coronavirus testing of the homeless in this uncertain time.

If they are being truthful, most Blacks, regardless of gender or socioeconomic status, can tell you that they understand that their life can be ended due to circumstances far beyond their control. For Dr. Henderson, the context was his loading of makeshift tents that he intended for the homeless. This good nearly cost him his freedom, if not his life.   

Dr. Armen Henderson was in front of his home loading up his vehicle with supplies to continue his outreach efforts for the less fortunate in his community when IT occurred. The IT that I refer to is an unwanted and unnecessary conflict with a police officer. A video camera captured the officer’s arrival and a subsequent brief discussion between the law enforcement officer and Dr. Henderson. Video footage also captured the officer placing the famed medical doctor in handcuffs for no apparent reason. In a scene that reminds one of the fugitive slave laws of yesteryear, Dr. Henderson screamed for his wife’s assistance. Fortunately, she was aware enough to rush outside with identification confirming that this harassment was occurring in front of their residence. It is deplorably that this pillar of the community was not released until the officer reviewed the identification in a manner that reminds me of the deplorable antics of slave catchers reviewing manumission papers that identified persons of African descent as free men or women. As expected, Miami’s Chief of police, Jorge Colina, backed his officer’s actions and attempted to explain away the issue as a misunderstanding that flowed from the officer investigating repeated complaints of illegal dumping.

As mentioned above, there comes a time when we must call “a spade, a spade.” For African-Americans who did not already realize that they must be on high-alert every moment of the day, even inside the comfy confines of their homes, this is yet another lesson that you are always only a moment away from a contentious conflict with a rogue element of some law enforcement agency that has convinced themselves that they have the power to be judge, jury, and executioner of any Black person they encounter.

If nothing else, the historical record indicates that we must each understand that we are only a single interaction from having our life and the lives of those that we love permanently disrupted by the unwise decisions of a bigoted officer “following procedures.” Such a context mandates that African-Americans pledge to be careful out there today, tomorrow, and forever because your life is the best thing that you have going for you. Survive conflict with rogue officers and anyone else seeking to harm you “by any means necessary.”

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture 2020.

I thank you and appreciate you visiting Manhood, Race, and Culture.

Now That’s What I’m Talking About: The Pro-active Decision of Abdul and Fabien Lovett to Escape Mississippi State University for the Sake of Decency and Respect

There are moments where I am flabbergasted by the absence of civility or common sense among White authority figures. I have always considered these moments unbridled testimony to how a person really about you. Unlike many of my kinsmen, I long ago decided that I would follow the directive of ancestor Maya Angelou. Angelou was credited with saying “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Apparently, Abdul Lovett raised his son Fabien to adhere to this axiom.

I am sure that you are wondering who Abdul and Fabien Lovett are and why I am writing about them. Well, I will tell who they are and their importance to Black America if provided the opportunity.

Fabien Lovett is a much-celebrated Division I football player whose moral compass led him to withdraw from Mississippi State University in the wake of Head Coach Mike Leach’s tweet of a woman knitting a noose for her beloved husband during this moment of quarantine. Fabien Lovett responded with a quick “WTF” response prior to entering the NCAA’s Transfer Portal; a prerequisite to transferring from Mississippi State and irrevocably severing all ties with Mike Leach. I recently learned that Fabien Lovett has decided to enroll at Florida State University.

When interviewed by the Clarion Ledger, Abdul Lovett shared the following.

I didn’t feel comfortable with my son being down there with a guy like that from a leadership standpoint – that you can just throw anything out there…I feel if he can do it, the kids are going to feel like they can do it.

As expected, Mike Leach offered the standard apology and University Administrators doled out a punishment of forcing him to participate in “listening sessions” and visiting a local Civil Rights museum after the global pandemic subsides. However, I am sure that you understand that this post has less to do with Mike Leach’s horrendous soul and everything to do with the Lovett’s decisiveness regarding this inexcusable offense.

When one considers the level of trust imbued in educators and coaches to pour into the lives of their children, it is frightening to consider that a figure possessing the thoughts, ideals, and worldview of Mike Leach would have access to the lives of any collegian, let along African-Americans. Yet, naïve entrusting parents routinely make the dubious decision to send their children to learn at the foot of someone whose dedication to their development as a person is in a word, non-existent.

Although difficult to admit publicly, moments such as this one serve as evidence of the lack of pride and solidarity among Blacks; a malady that guarantees their failure to activate dormant political power. Consider for a moment if Mike Leach had provided similar negative social commentary regarding the Jewish community and their Holocaust experience, if he had, there is little doubt that he would be rendered to the scrapheap of “hard core employables”. Put simply; Leach would be hopelessly unemployed forever. This well-deserved employment status would be less about the act and more about the inherent power found among those who were offended. Yet, in a world where Black solidarity is an oxymoron, Leach retains his employment and leads a team that is predominantly composed of African-American males. The absence of power mandates that pitiful appeals to Whites unreliable sense of decency Black America’s most frequent and reliable strategy.

Rest assured that in time, Leach will learn from his superiors who have learned how to handle Blacks that it is ungentlemanly to express such sentiments in the public arena; keep in mind that this lesson is a far-cry from the condemnation of the harboring of racial bigotry. The wicked dance of harboring bigotry, yet never displaying it in public or among Whites that one does not know is a clunky two-step that White bigots can attribute their mastery of to decades of repetition.

Unfortunately for Black America, the failure to mobilize political power or economic solidarity has left them without a reliable counter to the alluded to wicked dance beyond appealing to the White conscious. Instead of scientifically mobilizing politico-economic resources, Blacks have learned to “make the best out of a bad situation” and pray for a better day. It is time that Black America follows the lead of Abdul and Fabien Lovett and realize that “times will never get better until you make them better.”

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture 2020.

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Making Excuses for the Inexcusable: Mississippi State University’s Fumbling of Mike Leach’s Well-Deserved Punishment

In many ways, it is frightening to consider how far off the mark Mississippi State football coach Mike Leach is regarding substantive racial matters. All evidence points to Leach not having any compassion regarding the victims of Mississippi’s storied history of racial conflict. Trust me when I say that I am being kind in my assessment of Leach. A more accurate depiction of my feelings would be to term the first-year head coach as an irredeemable dim-witted historically illiterate scrap of humanity that should never be provided the privilege to lead any group of men. Let me explain my dour view of the old ball coach.

Days ago, Mike Leach took to Twitter and posted a tweet of a woman knitting a noose for her husband during this moment of self-quarantining; I would be remiss if I did not share that the alluded to tweet was “liked” by nearly 3,700 people. The message flowing from both the sharing and liking of the tweet is deafening.

Consider the fact that Mike Leach is heading a football program in a state whose political leaders and bigoted citizens resisted efforts for racial equality by any means necessary; efforts that continue to this moment. Let us not forget that Mississippi is the location where Emmett Louis Till, a mere child, was brutally killed by bigoted Whites and Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee activists Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, Mickey Schwerner disappeared on the initial day of their attempt to register Black voters during Freedom Summer at the hand of the same population.

This space is incapable of holding the untold tragedies that have befallen Blacks in this sanctuary of White bigotry and institutionalized racism. When viewed against this scurrilous background, it is understandable why Mike Leach was selected to lead Mississippi State’s football program. Unfortunately, it appears that Mike Leach’s illiteracy on racial matters makes him a perfect fit for such a prominent position; a position that calls for him to lead droves of young African-American men.

Unbeknownst to Whites, it is the moments after such a transgression that shapes their view of individuals such as Mississippi State Athletic Director John Cohen and institutions such as Mississippi State University. Before passing judgment regarding this matter, Black America always awaits a response to the inexcusable behavior from the powers that be. It is to be expected that Blacks will be invariably disappointed with the decision-making processes of White powerbrokers. The case of Mike Leach is no different.

The punishment being doled out to Mike Leach for his ill-advised tweet is for him to “expand his cultural awareness of Mississippi.” According to Athletic Director John Cohen, Mississippi State University is “disappointed” in Leach and will host “listening sessions” for the embattled coach and visits to the Museum of Mississippi History as well as the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum once the Coronavirus has subsided. In light of such “punishment”, one must excuse Black Mississippian’s bemused look and belief that this is little more than “White folk being White folk.”

This world is filled with Mike Leach’s, meaning people raised within a cultural framework where racial bigotry is a foundational principle that never threatens their educational pursuits, economic opportunities, or social status. They are welcomed with open-arms by like-minded neighbors, bosses, civic organizations, and religious leaders. Ironically, it is fair-minded Whites who learn early on that they must stash away personal convictions regarding racial bias as it will lead to a pariah status among their beloved community. I am sure that such people cringe at the reality that their silence regarding racial bigotry not only makes them complicit with such matters but also renders them indistinguishable from figures such as Mike Leach. I have little doubt that this little dust-up will be long forgotten by the good folk of Mississippi when they pile into the stadium to support the Mississippi State University and cheer for Coach Mike Leach, their neighbor, friend, and favorite football coach.

They are Mississippians after all.

 Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture 2020.

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Why I Don’t Want to Ever See Stockton, California, Again: Commentary on a Common Problem Afflicting Black America

The following statement is a peculiar one. I’ve never been to Stockton, California; however, I have been to Stockton, California. You’ve probably never been to Stockton, California; however, I bet that you have been to many Stockton, California’s. In fact, I can state with absolute certainty that I have been to a series of Stockton’s during my life. Let me explain.

The saga that inspires this posting into the sublime began with a shooting at the Sherwood Mall, a shopping venue on Stockton, Califonia’s, Pacific Avenue. News reports tell us that the shooting occurred after a fight in the food court. This unfortunate incident prodded dozens of teenagers to appear at the scene of the tragic shooting to “pay their respects” to the most recent victims of a prolonged history of senseless gun violence involving Black males. Apparently, things took a turn for the worse when a conflict occurred between a swelling crowd of mourners and mall security guards. Ultimately, the mall would be closed as a result of the conflict.

This posting is has less to do with what occurred on that eventful day and more to do with the reactions that followed on internet message boards; a source of unfiltered commentary that reveals commenters true feelings.

I will let you in on a little secret of mine. I routinely subject myself to the banter that occurs in message boards dedicated to random racial incidents. Although there is no comment regarding the racial identity of those involved in the Sherwood Mall shooting, most, myself included, believe that African-American teens were involved. This expectation were enough to prod American citizens to post the following message board comments.

  • 13/90 (a characterization that Blacks are only 13% of the American population, yet commit 90% of the crime) at it again.
  • Yeah, just judge them by “the content of their character.”
  • I bet that none of those involved in either incident has an active father in their life.
  • One guess at what their racial identity is.
  • They ruin every shopping venue that they are given access to.

There were thousands of such comments that characterized Blacks as a scourge on this earth.

Although there is much that can be said about the murderous tendencies and proclivity towards tyrannical behavior among a certain segment of White America, I will not spend my time expounding on such things. I choose to bypass such unproductive discussions in the hope that my focus on Black America may yield some positive results.

One does not need to delve deep into the hearts and minds of Blacks to find a seething anger and pervasive disappointment with their countrymen. Unbeknownst to non-Blacks, there has been a long-running intra-racial feud occurring within Black America. Comedian Chris Rock touched on this matter during one of his stand-ups when he quipped,

There is a Civil War going on within Black America between Black folk and N!@@as and N!@@as have got to go.

The alluded to battles are contentious contests for ownership over a lengthy list of concepts and ideas such as,

  • What is blackness?
  • How does blackness behave (in public/private)?
  • What does “authentically Black” actually mean?
  • Who has the right to define blackness?

The only certainty one finds within Black America’s raging culture wars is a seething hatred. A comprehensive hatred that can be found on all sides of multiple on-going battles over matters ranging from “snitching” to sexual orientation.

My familiarity with Black America’s culture wars is the catalyst behind my statement that although I have never been to Stockton, California’s, Sherwood Mall, I am familiar with the issues that led to the senseless death of a young Black male after a mere fist fight. Unfortunately, this is a familiar story for Blacks.

Although most Blacks shudder at the thought of airing our “dirty laundry” due to a reasonable fear that it will be seized by bigoted Whites as evidence of our inferiority, such fears do not lessen the reality that the onus for correcting such matters rests squarely on our brawny shoulders. Failure to do such provides White bigots yet another opportunity to use the anti-social behavior of a few to malign the masses. Let’s be honest about this matter, no amount of Black respectability will change the negative view of the Race by White bigots; it is an unconquerable obstacle that matters mightily in the struggle to end racial discord.

As is so often the case, external factors have positioned progressive-minded Blacks in a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” position. If they publicly address their brethren whose behavior and values are flawed, they feed the conclusions of White bigots. If they remain silent, their communities will remain in a compromised state.

When viewed this way, the choice is a relatively simple one. Blacks must not consider the small-minded conclusions that flow from the minds of White bigots and take definitive steps to address what can be termed the usual issues and maladies facing Blacks. The issues and maladies that allow each of us to state that I’ve never been to Stockton, California; however, I have been to many Stockton, California’s. Although difficult for many Blacks to comprehend, there is no one coming to aid you in your battle to increase your political-economic position; the onus to achieve such is on you. Never have the words of Marcus Mosiah Garvey — “Up you mighty Race, achieve what you will” been more appropriate and actionable than the present.

I pray that we address our issues because I don’t want to go to Stockton, California, again.

   Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture 2020.

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If you enjoy the content that you find here at Manhood, Race, and Culture.

It would be greatly appreciated if you would consider purchasing my book, “Foolish” Floyd: The Life & Times of an African-American Contrarian.

Why Michael Bloomberg is Preaching Against ‘Safe Spaces’ for African-Americans on Predominantly White Campuses

While reviewing my files, I came across the following offering that addresses now Presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg. Considering his decision to join the pursuit for the Oval Office, I thought that it was appropriate to republish this article.  

I will be the first to acknowledge that my exposure to Michael R. Bloomberg is limited to frequent visits to Harlem during his tenure as New York City’s, Mayor. This period is particularly significant to me as it allowed me to witness significant portions of Harlem USA, the Mecca of Black America for much of the 20th Century, being lost by Black New Yorkers. After interacting with many of the victims of this colossal gentrification, I surmised that Michael R. Bloomberg has been both an irritant and antagonistic toward African-Americans.

Consequently, I was not shocked when Bloomberg continued his well-worn pattern during his commencement address at the University of Michigan. The former Mayor used this occasion to display his staunch opposition to all policies that could potentially benefit African-Americans, particularly Black collegians. Bloomberg used this platform to attack the ‘safe spaces’ and ‘learning communities’ that are dotting American collegiate campuses. What follows is a portion of Bloomberg’s message.

The most useful knowledge that you leave here with today has nothing to do with your major. It’s about how to study, cooperate, listen carefully, think critically and resolve conflicts through reason. Those are the most important skills in the working world, and it’s why colleges have always exposed students to challenging and uncomfortable ideas.

The fact that some university boards and administrations now bow to pressure and shield students from these ideas through “safe spaces,” “code words” and “trigger warnings” is, in my view, a terrible mistake.

The whole purpose of college is to learn how to deal with difficult situations — not run away from them…one of the most dangerous places on a college campus is a safe space, because it creates the false impression that we can insulate ourselves from those who hold different views.

We can’t do this, and we shouldn’t try — not in politics or in the workplace. In the global economy, and in a democratic society, an open mind is the most valuable asset you can possess.

I am unsurprised by Bloomberg’s view of safe spaces created to o aid African-American males during their pursuit of academic success on what are unfortunately hostile collegiate campuses.

To be honest, I expected Michael Bloomberg to be clueless regarding the utility of safe spaces. Such ignorance is predictable when one considers that the vast majority of whites, particularly upper-middle-class and wealthy whites such as Bloomberg, live lives where the entire world is a ‘safe space’ for not only them, but also their offspring.

Bloomberg’s contention that collegiate campuses provide an opportunity to “learn how to deal with difficult situations — not run away from them…the most dangerous place on a college campus is a safe space, because it creates the false impression that we can insulate ourselves from those who hold different views” reveals much about Class and White privilege, variables that are accessed so routinely by some that it is akin to the laws of gravity. Figures such as Bloomberg have never realized that their position and perspective is a unique one that most Americans, particularly Black males, cannot identify with it.

In light of the fact that individuals such as Michael R. Bloomberg will never be able to remove the blind spots that led them astray during moments such as this one. I am going to provide them a lesson what others here when persons of their ilk seek to delve into racial matters such as this one. Michael, this is what non-elite Black males took from your juvenile statement regarding safe spaces.

The whole purpose of college is for ‘minorities’ to learn how to deal with the difficult situations that they will eventually be placed within – and that lesson can never be to run away from them…one of the most dangerous places on a college campus is a safe space, because it creates the false impression for African-Americans that they can insulate themselves from powerful whites who hold views that they are powerless to affect. Views that will never be abandoned as it would mean powerful Whites working against their own interests; an occasion that never occurs; particularly for something that matters as little as racial equality.

Bloomberg’s statement reveals a deplorable spirit of refusing any refuge for the most abused and exploited populations within our midst. According to Bloomberg, a safe space for poor and working-class people is in a word, hilarious.

Make no mistake about it, predominantly White campuses are notorious for being hostile environments for African-American teenagers raised and protected by doting parents who have done their best to develop a moral compass within them. Many Black parents believe that basic values will serve them well on a path to success that will be filled with discrimination, racial bigotry, and institutional racism. For many of these optimistic Black youth, the inhospitable predominantly white institution is their initial full dose of unfairness. The safe space that Michael Bloomberg rails against serves as a much-needed shelter from an ancient storm that has broken several generations of Black America.

Michael Bloomberg either does not understand or does not care that the safe spaces that he criticizes as being useless to Black collegians on hostile white campuses reveal him and those of his ilk as being out of touch with the times. And why would they not be? They have never had to deal with such matters? Bloomberg and his contemporaries have never experienced the hellish existence that shadows the have not’s of America. They have no idea of what occurs during a typical day on a white campus to non-White students, nor do they care to learn. Sadly, elites are not feigning ignorance when they offer incredulous disbelief that a significant portion of the harassment that African-American male collegians experience comes at the hand of White professors and teaching assistants, more burdensome harassment than that issued by White students. Michael Bloomberg’s resistance to a moment of reprieve from such an existence is tantamount to “tough love” for Black collegians.

In many ways, Bloomberg’s statement is akin to a call for African-American collegians to simply “Eat Shit and Grin.” Unfortunately, this deplorable situation is the daily reality for far too many Black adults. To their credit, African-American collegians fight for a “safe space” that has been so strident that college administrators have been forced to take definitive steps to address the matter.

I guess that from his perspective that drips with every sort of privilege imaginable, Michael Bloomberg and his contemporaries by denying “safe spaces” are seeking to aid Black collegians by providing them a dose of reality. The message is that in “the real world” there is no reprieve from overreaching White elites who will seek to invade every portion of your existence, even your precious mental space. So, I guess it is through a warped sense of aiding Black collegians, a well-intentioned super-charged dose of benign neglect, that we must consider Bloomberg’s resistance to “safe spaces.” If Bloomberg had his way, African-American collegians on predominantly white campuses would be like the Black adults that they are training to join in “the real world” and manage to survive in a torturous isolation surrounded by White colleagues who are also attempting to carve out a space that allows for them to stomach the tyrannical reign of White elites whose fixation on Class mutes any consideration of racial solidarity that does not manifest itself in increased profits.

I guess that when viewed from this perspective, Bloomberg’s advice is kind in that it is attempting to tell Black collegians that they have much in common with their White classmates in that in this nation they both must learn to “eat shit and grin”. Unfortunately, neither of them realizes it yet; trust me when I say that if they live enough life in this Capitalist nation these non-elites will learn this lesson very well. 

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture, 2020.
