Insurrections of Rebellious Africans

4 thoughts on “Insurrections of Rebellious Africans”

  1. I believe that those that chose to revolt against their owners, had a certain courage within them that the other slaves did not. They knew that the treatment they received was unjust and without reason. They believed that they deserved a better life and I applaud them for standing up for what they believe in. It takes a strong person to put themselves in harms way for the greater good. They not only wanted better for themselves but for those to come. These people acted as the stepping stones for every African American child that came after them. In my personal opinion, they acted as heroes. It is these people that must be honored, because without their fearless acts, there is no telling where we would be as a whole today.

  2. It is fascinating that some slaves rebelled against their owners. I knew a little about the Gabriel rebellion before this video and I find it crazy how some of his people turned on him.

  3. I find it good to know that people were still revolting even after being several generations removed from their heritage and other ways of life. However I am curious to know what made the revolt in Haiti successful but these ended so brutally for the revolting population.

  4. An underlying theme of the first three videos to me would be, “it be your own people”. Time after time these Black enslaved people would rather the strength, tools, and numbers to carry out their plans, but alas there would be that simpleton to snitch ruin it for everyone. A shame. I also wondered, in the first video, how different people would feel if they read “enslaved man’ instead of “a slave”.

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