Tag Archives: American Politics

Can Whites Who Adopt Black Children be Racist?: The Case of Amy Coney Barrett vs. Ibrahim X Kendi

It is frightening to consider how one’s words, thoughts, and ideas can be misconstrued. At the present moment, there is ample evidence that many people who oppose your political stance or perspective on substantive matters are engaged in a fanatical search to find something, anything, to “cancel” a profound voice articulating a truth that makes them uncomfortable.

Ibrahim X. Kendi is the latest figure to come under such an attack. Just in case you missed it, Kendi recently came under fire for issuing the following commentary aimed at Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

Some White colonizers ‘adopted’ Black children. They ‘civilized’ these ‘savage’ children in the ‘superior’ ways of White people, while using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity.

To truly understand this intellectual skirmish, it is important that one understands that Barrett adopted two Haitian children. An action that many have attempted to use as ample evidence that the Supreme Court nominee can not be biased regarding racial matters. Kendi has rightfully questioned the logic of those who have used the adoption as a springboard that hurls them past this nation’s significant racial problems.

Although the attacks on Kendi are born of political opportunism by unreasonable people who oppose his political stance and cultural views. More important than the relatively pedestrian attacks hurled at Ibrahim X Kendi are what they reveal about the presence of what can be best termed historical illiteracy. I believe that it is historical illiteracy that guarantees America’s inability to destroy racial bias.

If those who rushed forward to issue an attack against Kendi were conversant in this nation’s history of racial conflict, they would have censored themselves. Anyone who has ever studied domestic race relations in even a passing manner will tell you that there is nothing scandalous about the comments that sparked this unnecessary battle between Kendi and droves of whites.

Ironically, the most efficient path to explaining Kendi’s point that the mere adoption of a child of color does not mean a white person cannot be racist is by examining the catalyst that motivated white abolitionists in their struggle to abolish chattel slavery.

If only I had a dollar for each time, I have explained to audiences and students that opposition to slavery is not the same as believing in racial equality. Most are shocked to hear that it is not only possible but predictable that white abolitionists found the psychological space necessary to oppose slavery while maintaining the deplorable belief that Blacks were intellectually inferior, if not an entirely different species. One needs to look no further than the following quip made by an abolitionist who revealed in the public arena that his fight to end slavery had very little to do with the plight of blacks.

If God is just!!!! And I believe that he is!!!!!! We will burn in hell for this shit!!!!!

The above assertion highlights the reality that the motivations behind a person’s actions are not always obvious.

Hence, it should not be difficult to understand the validity of Kendi’s questioning the simpleton logic that Amy Coney Barrett’s laudable decision to adopt two Haitian children does not mean that she immune from viewing the world through lenses that vacillate between white privilege and white supremacy.

The act of inter-racial adoption does not remove the racially biased socialization that all Americans, including blacks, have experienced in this nation. There is no reasonable argument that explains how any American could have been socialized by mainstream society and not been impacted by a biased school curriculum, entertainment industry, and media. We have all been impacted by these pernicious evils. I long ago settled on the fact that it is nearly impossible to be socialized in America and not be infected by some form of racial bias regardless of one’s racial identity.

So, I must stand on the side of Ibrahim X Kendi and cast a side-eye gaze at all who believe that the adoption of a child of color removes racial bias from their mental state. After-all, racial bias has been a fixture in this nation longer than baseball and mom’s Apple Pie.

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture 2020.

Who Is To Blame For The Devolution of American Politics

If it is true that “the pursuit of money” was the root of all evil during Biblical times, it stands to reason that in the new millennium that “the desire to win the Presidency” is the root of all evil.

Let me forthrightly state that during the last election, I did not believe that either the Republican (Trump) or Democratic (Clinton) candidate was worthy of my vote. Considering the poor voter turnout, the majority of Americans agreed with my position. Yet, millions of Americans cast their ballot for what can be comfortably termed the least of these Presidential candidates. Somewhere along the way, those on “the Left” and “the Rights” muted their moral compass and any semblance of common sense to participate in an unprecedented political circus filled with clowns and all.

I was recently accosted by an individual whose foremost desire was to place me in a political box that would allow him to “know who he was talking to.” He engaged me in a rather stupid political version of twenty questions that reduced to the following exchange.

Do you believe that abortion is wrong?

I responded, “I do.”   

So you are a Christian?

I did not respond to this question.

So, if you are religious, you must be a Conservative.”

This poor scrap of a human being thought that he had me figured out. However, his conclusions were thrown off when I shared the following.

My understanding of scripture makes gross economic inequality as sinful on the soul of a nation as abortion, rape, murder, institutionalized racism, and every other sin you could imagine.

I was not surprised when a puzzled look appeared on the countenance of this middle-aged man. Apparently, my response did not fit into his narrow expectations.

I have come to expect such a response from Trump supporters whose unquenchable desire to win political debates seemingly short-circuits their varying levels of common sense. In their rush to advance an argument that Jesus was guided by unprecedented morality, these foolish people trample a host of other teachings that do not aid their arrival at a self-advantageous destination.

During a long-ago political discussion (actually it wasn’t that long ago as it occurred during Obama’s Presidency) I found myself discussing the positives and negatives of the Obama administration. I realized that the other discussants were “fans of Obama” and unwilling to critique his policies and decision-making process. In their world, Obama could do no wrong. Although they will never accept this reality, however, their unconditional support of Obama was just as dangerous as what we are seeing today from Trump supporters.

There is no room to debate that somewhere along the path of political life Americans have lost track of larger issues and chosen to root for political parties and leaders as if they were sports franchises. If only we could push a reset button and start over.

At the present moment, there are droves of individuals on “the Left” who are carrying hopes that an unprecedented voter turnout in the 2020 election will help defeat their arch-rival. Unfortunately for such thinkers, even if Trump is removed from office, the undeniable reality that can be best termed “the desire to win” will remain and Americans of all creeds and color will continue what amounts to a domestic “Cold War” with no end in sight.

God, I hope that I am incorrect, but I know that I am not.

Dr. James Thomas Jones III        

© Manhood, Race, and Culture 2020.

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