Tag Archives: Governor Greg Abbott

Just Busy Doing Nothing: Why the NAACP’s Letter to Professional Athletes Speaks Volumes About Why Black America Continues to Lose in the Game of Politics

You would hope that the frustration that Black politicians have experienced due to their historical political failings would lead them to the development of some semblance of political savvy. I long abandoned such hope for Civil Rights organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. My last dash of hope for this storied organization expired with their rather stupid decision to purchase a casket and open a grave to bury the “N-Word.” Although it is difficult to comprehend, the leadership of the NAACP wrote the word “Nigger” on a sheet of paper, placed it inside of a coffin, and then buried it before their naïve supporters.

The “N-Word” has risen from the grave to haunt Black America.

To comprehend my disapproval of NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson’s recent communication to the players’ association of five professional sports leagues, one must understand the above foolishness. Johnson contacted MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL, and WNBA to request that their players not sign a contract with a Texas-based sports team. The catalyst behind this ridiculous communication is the series of laws recently passed in the Lone Star State.

The alluded legislation covers a wide swath from abortions through voting rights and the absence of mask mandates. A portion of Derrick Johnson’s communication reads as follows.

If you are considering signing in Texas, I ask you to ensure that owners are upholding their responsibility of protecting you, the athlete, and your family. I ask you to use your influence to help protect the constitutional rights of each individual at risk.

Over the past few months, legislators in Texas have passed archaic policies, disguised as laws, that directly violate privacy rights and a woman’s freedom to choose, restrict access to free and fair elections for Black and brown voters, and increase the risk of contracting coronavirus.

Now, I do not want you to believe that I support any of Greg Abbott’s measures. If Texans follow the NAACP’s lead, their inevitable suffering will be immense.

I am sure you will agree that professional athletes not signing with a Texas team will have no impact on White powerbrokers such as Governor Abbott or Ted Cruz. I am slightly ashamed by such a sophomoric response from one of America’s most storied Civil Rights organizations. The NAACP’s juvenile response is ill-conceived, ineffectual, and just plain stupid for many reasons.

If permitted to address the leadership of Civil Rights organizations and other progressives, I would tell them to get back to basics such as political education and voter registration drives that prepare their voting bloc for a treacherous political season. We know our opponents’ underhanded activities, such as denying access to the franchise by changing voter identification requirements.

It is disappointing that the NAACP’s foremost goal is not removing political evildoers via the ballot. Instead of developing political education campaigns that illuminate the undeniable realities facing working-class and poor Black, Latinx, Asian, and White Texans, the NAACP’s leadership seeks to convince professional athletes to abandon tried-and-true Capitalist principles in the name of moral righteousness and racial equality.

Any understanding of why Black folks are still on the bottom rung of this nation’s social and politico-economic hierarchy begins with their so-called political leadership. Derrick Johnson should know better.

It is frightening to think that he doesn’t.

James Thomas Jones III, Ph.D.

©Manhood, Race, and Culture, 2021